Neighbourhood Policing Team

The Specialist officer most likely to deal with problems in our village is -

    PC Paul Finnegan  Email:

To report a crime or incident call  101 number

or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111


Neighbourhood Panel Meetings with Police

Issues under discussion could include speeding, underage drinking, youth disorder and anti-social behaviour. Come and share your views, votes are taken to determine which issues to focus on.

For more details on any Police Matters see or more locally at



Police Surgeries

Some Saturdays- 10-11am Recycling Centre at the junction of Guildford Road and Shaftbury Road - discuss any law & order issues you may have.




Neighbourhood Watch

B.R.A. is keen to encourage many more  residents to become active in Neighbourhood Watch. At present few roads in Bisley are covered and more residents are needed to help expand the NHW network, either by joining an existing watch or rather creating new watches.

For further information on N.H.W. contact the Area Co-ordinator for the “six villages” in Surrey Heath, Mike Potter on 01276 474231 or